Sitara, a lively orphan living with her brother, aunt, and uncle, finds joy in life’s small things despite her aunt’s poor treatment. Her aunt keeps her around because she has a share in the family’s property.
Salar, the son of a wealthy businessman, is passionate about photography, which often earns him criticism from his family. With a pure heart, Salar is known for evading his responsibilities. At her cousin’s wedding, Sitara wrongly assumes Salar is the photographer. Salar develops a soft spot for Sitara after seeing how poorly she is treated. However, due to a conspiracy, objections arise about their closeness. Salar, once again, avoids the issue, leaving Sitara to face doubts from her own family.
Original title کفارہ
First air date Jul. 27, 2024
Last air date Aug. 13, 2024
Seasons 1
Episodes 30